
Thomas is a cognitive psychologist and psychotherapist in training under supervision and Head of International Psychology Programmes at SFU. He did his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL. Thomas’ research focuses on human cognition and consciousness and on clinical topics including addiction and social anxiety.

Lisa is a psychotherapist. She works with individuals, couples and groups in her private psychotherapy practice in Vienna. Lisa “discovered” the name saying problematic now known as alexinomia as early as 1995 and was the first to describe the phenomenon in her article in 2019.
Extended research team and collaborators:
Alexis Bergert, BSc (SFU Master student in Clinical Psychology)
Ricarda Freitag (student assistant; SFU Bachelor student in Psychology)
Sara Jakaj (University of Vienna Master student in Cognitive Sciences)
Mara Prisca, BSc (SFU Master student in Clinical Psychology)
Univ.-Ass. Natalie Rodax, MSc PhD (SFU post-doctoral researcher)
Mara Sartorio, BSc (SFU Master student in Clinical Psychology)
Anikó Szekó, BSc (SFU Master student in Clinical Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Peter Walla (SFU professor of Neuroscience)